Lend a Helping Hand
Only by Helping Each Other We Can Make World Better
If you think volunteering for our organization may be for you
please contact us to find out what is involved and the paperwork required to apply.

If you didn’t know, Here’s a bit about our services.
The Matamata Community Food Bank is a not for profit registered Charity that provides food to those in the local community that are in need. We are run by a group of volunteers and rely on donations of food or money from the community to keep the service available to those that need it.
Make a donation to help make a difference to a Family
To make a monetary donation please make a bank deposit into the following account and please put your name and address/email address in the reference field to assist the treasurer to forward a receipt to you. All donations will be eligible for tax credits as we are a registered charity.
Bank details: Matamata Community Food
Bank account number: 03 0363 0311377 00